UGC Net Cut off Marks June 2021, Cut Off Marks of UGC NET: On behalf of UGC, the Central Board of Secondary Education announces holding the National Eligibility Test (NET) from 6th October to 11th October 2021. It is conducted for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor both in Indian Universities and Colleges. CBSE will conduct NET in 84 subjects at 91 selected UGC NET Examination Cities spread across the country.

The role of CBSE is only up to the conduct of the UGC NET Examination and declaration of result. The e-certificates to qualified candidates are issued by UGC- NET Bureau. So the candidates declared they qualified in NET are informed to contact Head, UGC NET Bureau, University of Delhi, South Campus, Benito Juarez Marg, New Delhi, Pin Code-110021, Phone No. (011-24116316, 24115416, 24115419).

UGC Net Cut off Marks

UGC NET cut off is released by CBSE on its official website as per the prescribed schedule. The cutoffs are released subject and category-wise for JRF and Lectureship as well as Lectureship Only. The criteria for determining UGC NET cut off for each subject is as mentioned in the steps below:

Step 1: Minimum Marks Required for UGC NET cut off

Minimum marks that candidates need to score to be considered for the award of JRF and eligibility for Assistant Professor areas mentioned in the table below:

Note: Candidates must score minimum marks separately in each paper (I & II).


Step 2: Merit List of Qualifying Candidates

Next, a merit list (subject-wise and category-wise) is prepared for candidates who qualify UGC NET Cut off for the NET exam with the minimum required marks mentioned above. The merit list is prepared using the aggregate marks of all the three papers secured by such candidates.

Step 3: Selection for the Post of Assistant Professor Only

From the merit list declared in step 2, the top 6% candidates (subject-wise and category-wise) are declared NET qualified for eligibility for Assistant Professor only.

Step 4: Merit List for the Award of JRF

Amongst the NET qualified candidates (in Step 2), a separate merit list is prepared for the award of JRF using the formula mentioned below:

Note: Similar formula is used for OBC/ SC/ ST category and all the subjects.

Divided by (÷)

Total Number of General (UR) candidates who have opted for JRF and are qualified for eligibility for Assistant Professor

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