Role of CMAs in Business Process Modeling, here we are providing complete details for Role of CMAs in Business Process Modeling. In this article you can find research about Role of CMAs in Business Process Modeling like – Role of CMAs in Benchmarking Analysis, Role of CMAs in Performance Management, Role of CMAs in Business Process Management, Role of CMAs in Learning Curve, Role of CMAs in Project Management. Now you can scroll down below and check more details for “Role of CMAs in Business Process Modeling”

Benchmarking Analysis

Business Process Modeling aims to improve business performance by optimizing the efficiency of connecting activities in the provision of a product or service. The CMAs can play a significant role in the problem identification phase of this approach by comparing the business unit’s performance with that of other internal groups or the competition by benchmarking analysis. These types of analyses can help operational managers identify the underlying causes of performance problems and provide justification for process changes. Furthermore, documenting “best in industry” performance levels should help managers establish goals for the redesigned processes.

Performance Management

Business process modeling is defining the execution flow for a sequence of activities. To operationalize the activities, certain attributes are to be defined which will be the starting point for determining performance benchmarks. The CMAs can suggest Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that properly measure progress toward improving operational efficiency. Additionally, the CMA with their professional expertise would generate analyses that accurately highlight the relevant workflows and the appropriate performance measures. Developing KPIs should be part of an overall strategic management process that connects the overall mission, vision and strategy of an organization, and its short and long-term goals, to specific strategic business objectives and their supporting projects or initiatives.

Business Process Management

It is a management approach used for describing, controlling, modeling, and optimizing business processes. The CMAs can apply Cost Management tools like Supply Chain Management (SCM), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) for effective implementation of Business Process Management. This would facilitate the management to improve the alignment of all aspects of an organization subject to customer requirements, amplify process transparency, promote business efficiency, maximally exploit employee potential, improve product quality and reduce costs to bring business sustainability

Learning Curve

Under the engineering approach, cross-functional teams are assembled to design and integrate the proposed process improvements within the affected business unit. The intent is to maximize operational efficiency by identifying interdependencies and eliminating redundancies. In this regard, the CMAs can apply Learning Curve technique not only to labor cost but also to a wide variety of other costs, including material and purchased components. The power of the learning curve is so significant that it plays a major role in many strategic decisions related to employment levels, costs, capacity, and pricing.

Project Management

Business Process Modeling (BPM) is applied to increase process speed or reduce cycle time to increase quality or to reduce costs, such as labor, materials, scrap, or capital costs. Most development projects have very complex dependencies regarding the tasks to accomplish. Process models offer the chance to incorporate the knowledge of many project managers into active projects. Bridging the gap between process models and project plans by defining such models precisely seems to be beneficial. The CMAs can apply Project Management tools to achieve the desired target, ensure efficient and best value use of resources and satisfy the differing needs of the project’s stakeholders.


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