Odisha DET Application Form 2021, Released – Apply Online Here. Odisha DET Application Form 2021 has been released and is applicable till 5th September 2021. Odisha DET was a state-level entrance exam conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education & Training, Odisha. From the year 2016, there will be no entrance test conducted for admission. The admission will be offered based on the merit of the qualifying exam. Candidates can get admission in the first year polytechnic of Engineering /Technology/ Architecture/Non-Engineering/Film & T.V. courses. Candidates can also get admission in LE (Lateral Entry) of engineering/Technology programmes. Here, candidates can check the details of the Odisha DET Application Form.

DET Odisha 2021 Highlights:

To read more about Odisha DET exam 2021, click here

Odisha DET Application Form 2021

Candidates can get the Odisha DET Application Form 2021 from the official website. Details about the application form are given below:

  • Candidates can fill and submit the application form through online mode only.Candidates can access the application form till 5th september for 1st year studnets and 10th september 2021 for lateral students.No offline mode is available for application form.Odisha DET application form online can be filled till 10th september 2021.Upload the scanned images of photograph (size below 100 KB) and signature (size below 30 KB) in JPG format.Take a printout of the filled application form for further process.

Application Fee

Odisha DET application fee will be Rs. 200 for SC/ST/PC & Female and Rs. 250/- for male candidates. The application fee is non-refundable. Fee can be submitted through online mode. Candidates can use a credit card, debit card, internet banking.

Eligibility Criteria

Below we have mentioned the eligibility criteria to get admission in engineering diploma courses:

  • Age: The minimum age limit is 14 years as on 01 July, 2021. There is no maximum age limit. Qualifying Exam: Candidate must pass the HSC/10th or equivalent exam conducted by BSE.Minimum Marks: Candidates should obtain minimum 35% marks. It is necessary to score 30% in each subject.Subjects: Candidates must have Mathematics, English and Science in the qualifying exam.Appearing Candidates: Students appearing in the qualifying examination can also apply.

Odisha DET 2021 Dates

In this section, candidates can check the official dates of Odisha DET 2021:

  • There is no maximum age limit.


How to Apply

Check here some significant steps of Odisha DET 2021 how to fill online application form:

  • Visit the official website link (link is given above).Click the link “Sign Up (New User)” button.Enter your name, email and mobile number and click on the “Generate OTP” button.Read instructions carefully and click on “Click to Proceed” button.Fill the entries such as personal, course apply, educational, communication & other details.Upload the scanned images of photograph and signature.Pay the application fee using online or offline mode.After fee payment, don’t forget to take printout of the application for further use.