Lucknow University 2021 Cut Off, Category & Course Wise Cut-Off Marks. Lucknow University 2021 cut off will be released through online mode. Lucknow University entrance exam is a gateway to many sciences, arts, law, and commerce courses. The admissions will be offered to the candidates who will score the cut off marks set by the university. In this article, we have provided the Lucknow University cut off 2021 complete information.
Click here to read about the official notification related to Lucknow University Exam 2021.
Lucknow University 2021 Cut Off
The cut off is the minimum marks required to score to become eligible for the counselling of the particular course. It is a must for the candidates to reach the cut off marks. The candidates who will not score these marks will not be considered for further admission procedures. Based on off marks, the candidates will be shortlisted in the merit list and called for the counselling. The factors which contribute to deciding the cut off marks are the level of difficulty of the exam, the number of candidates who appeared in the exam and the availability of the seats. The cut off will be released for each offered courses and, it can be varied every year.
Lucknow University 2021 Result will be announced through online mode from the website. The result will be declared in September 2021 for UG and for PG & MBA courses.
Lucknow University Counselling 2021 for UG courses will be started from September 2021. For PG courses, it will be started from October 2021.
Rank-Wise Cut Off
The university will release the cut off for various UG and PG courses in the form of rank. The university will publish the different cut off ranks for UG and PG courses. The university mentioned the category-wise rank up to which candidate will be considered as qualified. The ranks will be decided as per the category rank. The cut off will be different for different courses. The candidate must score the cut off rank.
Previous Years Cut Off
Here, candidates can view the category-wise cut list of the last two years. In the below table, candidates can check the ranks selected for counselling and waiting ranks. The cut off will be given for various courses offered by the university.
For Year 2018
For Year 2016
Lucknow University 2021 Merit List
The merit list will be released few days after the declaration of the result. A copy of the merit list will be displayed on the university website. Candidates can check their rank on the merit list, which is prepared based on the candidates’ performance. The merit list will not be published in any local or national newspaper. Candidates whose names will appear in the merit list will be called for the counselling procedure for admission into the university.
Lucknow University 2021 Result
Lucknow University will release the result on September 2021 for UG and for PG & MBA. Candidates can get their results through online mode only. The result will be also be displayed on the university website. After a few days of publication of result, candidates will be called for the GD and PI rounds followed by counselling process. Candidates should secure their results till the counselling will over.