In this article we will try to understand importance of Receiving and Giving Feedback to anyone. If we check the process of Communication then we see that last stage is “Feedback” .Without Feedback, communication process is incomplete
In our day to day life we want to give feedback to our colleagues or seniors. But do we have idea that what is the right way to giving it?
You can give Feedback to anyone on a continuous basis also. Whether you like or dislike, Feedback is important for the success of an Individual or Organization.
“There is no failure, only Feedback”
Art of Receiving Feedback:-
We always like if we receive positive feedback from others. But, a problem arises when our near or dear start telling something negative about us. However, we shall always need to consider Feedbacks as step to success.
Filter your feedback:
You have just filter Feedbacks received to us on regular basis. Suppose, If you receive Feedback from few people that your handwriting is not so good. Then you really need to consider this feedback for improvement.
Steps to Receive Feedback
- Listen: – When you received a feedback, listen the same openly, without feeling hurt, negative, underestimate.2) Avoid Judgment :- During Feedback you make certain assumptions about a person giving you valuable feedback. One should avoid being judgmental and being defensive if the need is to succeed. Otherwise you will lose the benefits of feedback.3) Clarity in Feedback is important:- 4) Says “Thank”:– As we know that, Feedback is a learning opportunity, a reason for your success, you must sincerely appreciate and thank for giving you feedback.5) Start acting immediately :- Your immediate actions are needed to achieve success.
Now, focus on the improvement areas, ask questions and start working on it.
And you will see that if you start to collect and implement the Feedback you will achieve the ladder of success in your life/career.
“Feedback is the breakfast of champions” – Kenneth Blanchard
The next step in our article is “Art of Giving Feedback”
The purpose to give feedback is benefit of receiver. As a leader, Teacher, Manger you need to give Feedback to people.
- Focus on the strong points related to the area of Criticism first.Tell him where he went wrong.
Ask for permission: – You should take permission from the person whether you can give him feedback. This is normally happens if you want to give feedback to senior person or stranger one. With prior permission if you give feedback it will ensure that he is prepared to listen on a positive note.
Give Feedback in private:-
Appreciate in public,
Criticize in private.
Therefore, Feedback is effective when given in private. It will also not feel insulted.
Offer Solutions: – Feedback with solution will be more effective. Otherwise, it will not serve the purpose behind feedback.
One Feedback at one time:- If the aim is improvement in the person it will always suggested giving on feedback at one time. Taking about multiple issues would diffuse the main purpose.
I hope that above techniques of Receiving and Giving Feedback will help you in your career. Let’s start to use these techniques and give me your valuable Feedback.
Source: – Book “Everything about Leadership” & Wikipedia
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