JCECE Syllabus 2021, Jharkhand Engineering Entrance Syllabus. JCECE application has been released on the official site till 20th August 2021. JCECE Syllabus 2021 will contain the chapters & topics of Class 11th & 12th. Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Exam (JCECE) is a state-level exam. This exam is conducted by the Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (JCECEB). It is organized to get admission in the various courses of agriculture, pharmacy and other courses which are offered by the different government and private colleges in Jharkhand state. From 2017 onwards, JEECE exam was conducted for admission in engineering courses. Here, candidates can get the complete information related to JCECE Syllabus 2021.
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JCECE Syllabus 2021
The JCECE Registration has been started from 5th August 2021 till 20th August 2021. The JCECE Syllabus 2021 will be comprised of four sections: Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. The complete syllabus of this exam will be designed on the basis of the 11th and 12th class or equivalent standard. It will be prescribed by the JCECEB. The details syllabus of the JCECE 2021 examination is mentioned below:
Physics Syllabus
- Physical World and MeasurementKinematicsLaws of MotionWork, Energy and PowerMotion of System of Particles and Rigid BodyGravitationProperties of Bulk MatterBehavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic TheoryOscillations and WavesCurrent ElectricityMagnetic Effects of Current and MagnetismElectromagnetic and Alternating CurrentsElectromagnetic WavesOpticsDual Nature of Matter and RadiationAtoms & NucleiElectronic DevicesThermodynamics
Chemistry Syllabus
- Some Basic Concepts of ChemistrySolid StateSolutionsElectrochemistryChemical KineticsSurface ChemistryStructure of AtomClassification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesChemical Bonding and Molecular StructureStates of Matter : Gases and LiquidsThermodynamicsEquilibriumRedox ReactionsHydrogenS-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)Some P-Block ElementsEnvironmental ChemistryP-Block ElementsD and F Block ElementsCoordination CompoundsHaloalkanes and HaloarenesAlcohols, Phenols and EthersOrganic compounds containing NitrogenBiomoleculesPolymersChemistry in Everyday Life
Mathematics Syllabus
- Sets, Relations & FunctionsTrigonometric FunctionsPrinciple of Mathematical InductionComplex Numbers and Quardratic EquationsLinear InequalitiesPermutations & TheoremBinomial TheoremSequence and SeriesStraight LinesIntroduction to Three-dimensional GeometryLimits and DerivativesMathematical ReasoningStatisticsRelations and FunctionsInverse Trigonometric FunctionsMatricesDeterminantsContinuity and DifferentiabilityApplications of DerivativesIntegralsDifferential EquationsVectorsThree – dimensional GeometryProbability
Biology Syllabus
- Diversity in Living WorldStructural Organization in Animals and PlantsCell: Structure and FunctionPlant PhysiologyHuman PhysiologySexual ReproductionGenetics and EvolutionBiology and Human WelfareBiotechnology and its ApplicationsEcology & Environment