Instructions for Filing PAN Card Correction Form. Find Complete details for PAN Card Change Request Form. we receive many queries regarding how to file pan card correction form or how to update pan card details after marriage, Change of Name in PAN Card after Marriage etc. In this article we try to provide all information related to Filing PAN Card Correction Form. Now you can scroll down below and check complete details regarding “Instructions for Filing PAN Card Correction Form”
Instructions for Filing PAN Card Correction Form
1. First Column Full Name
- Please select appropriate title.Do not use abbreviations in the First and the Last name/Surname.For example RAVIKANT should be written as :
For example SATYAM VENKAT M. K. RAO should be written as :
HUFs shall mention HUF after their full name.
In case of Company, the name should be provided without any abbreviations. For example, different variations of ‘Private Limited’ viz. Pvt Ltd, Private Ltd, Pvt Limited, P Ltd, P. Ltd., P. Ltd are not allowed. It should be ‘Private Limited’ only.
In case of sole proprietorship concern, the proprietor should apply for PAN in his/her own name.
Name should not be prefixed with any title such as Shri, Smt, Kumari, Dr., Major, M/s etc.
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2. Father’s Name
- Applicable to Individuals only. Instructions in Item No.1 with respect to name apply here.Married women applicants should give only father’s name and not husband’s name.
- Date of Birth / Incorporation / Agreement / Partnership or Trust Deed / Formation of Body of Individuals / Association of Persons
Individual: Actual Date of Birth; Company: Date of Incorporation; Association of Persons: Date of formation/creation; Trusts: Date of creation of TrustDeed; Partnership Firms: Date of Partnership Deed; LLPs : Date of Incorporation/Registration; HUFs: Date of creation of HUF and for ancestral HUF date can be 01-01-0001 where the date of creation is not available
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4. Gender
This field is mandatory for Individuals. Field should be left blank in case of other applicants.
5. Photo/signature Mismatch
Individuals issued a PAN card with incorrect/unclear photograph/signature should tick the box on the left margin. The original PAN card with wrong photograph / signature is to be enclosed with the acknowledgement
6. Address for Communication – Residence and office
Indicate either Residence or Office address for communication as the case may be.
- For Individuals, HUF, AOP, BOI or AJP, either of residential or office address is mandatory.In case of Firm, LLP, Company, Local Authority and Trust, Name of office and complete address of office is mandatory.
For all categories of applicants, it is necessary to mention complete address and the details of Town/City/District, State/Union Territory, and PINCODE are mandatory.
In case, a foreign address is provided then it is mandatory to provide Country Name along with ZIP Code of the country.
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7. Update other address
If applicant wishes to update other address, besides address for communication, box on left margin to be selected and details of address be provided on an additional sheet in similar format as prescribed in Item No. 6
8. Signature / Thumb impression & Verification
Application must be signed by (i) the applicant; or (ii) Karta in case of HUF; or (iii) Director of a Company; or (iv) Authorised Signatory in case of AOP, Body of Individuals, Local Authority and Artificial Juridical Person; or (v) Partner in case of Firm/LLP; or (vi) Trustee; or (vii) Representative Assessee in case of Minor/deceased/idiot/lunatic/mentally retarded.
Applications not signed in the given manner and in the space provided are liable to be rejected.
It is mandatory to provide Verifier.s name, Verifier capacity and verifier place in the application.
Read also – Documents Required for PAN Card Application
Documents to be submitted along with the application
Proof of identity, address and date of birth
- Documents which are acceptable as proof of identity, address and date of birth (applicable for Individuals & Karta of HUF) are mentioned in Detailed instructions for documents to be submitted.Proof of Identity, address and date of birth must be in the name of the applicant as mentioned in the application form.If the applicant is a minor (i.e. below 18 years of age at the time of application), any of the documents acceptable as proof of identity and address of any of the parents/ guardian of such minor shall be deemed to be the proof of identity and address of the applicant.Proof of address in the name of spouse/parents/sibling etc., will not be accepted as valid proof of address.Proof of Address is required for the address mentioned in “Address for communication” in item no.7.If item no.8 is ticked & filled in, proof of address mentioned therein is also required.
Proof of PAN
- Proof of PAN is required for the PAN currently in use (i.e. existing PAN). This is required for the PAN mentioned at the beginning of the application before item no. 1Proof of PAN is also required in case of cancellation request for any PAN, i.e., for any PAN mentioned in Item No. 10Proof of PAN can be one of the following only:
- Copy of PAN card; or
- Copy of intimation letter issued by the Income Tax Department in lieu of PAN card intimating PAN.
- In case one of the above proofs are not available, a copy of FIR (stating loss of PAN card) can be submitted.
If proof of PAN (as stated above) is not submitted, the application will be processed on a ‘good effort’ basis even without a copy of FIR. During verification at NSDL, if it is found that there are differences between the PAN or the data provided in the application with the ITD database, the application may not be processed and the processing fee will be forfeited.
- Copy of PAN card; or
- Copy of intimation letter issued by the Income Tax Department in lieu of PAN card intimating PAN.
- In case one of the above proofs are not available, a copy of FIR (stating loss of PAN card) can be submitted.
Proof for change requested
The applicant shall be required to provide further documentary proof to support request for correction or change in PAN data like name, father’s name, date of birth, for example:
- Request for change (marginal correction like spelling correction, expansion of initials, etc.,) in applicant’s or father’s name will have to be supported with suitable proof of identity containing corrected data.Request for change (significant change) in applicant’s or father’s name will have to be supported with such proof that will contain proof of change of name from the old to the new in addition to the proof of identity. The documents that shall be accepted as proof in this case are:
- For married ladies – change of name on account of marriage – marriage certificate, marriage invitation card, publication of ‘name-change’ in gazette, copy of passport showing husband’s name (or vice versa).
- For individual applicants other than married ladies – publication of `name-change’ in gazette.
- For companies – ROC’s certificate for name change.
- For partnership firms – revised Partnership Deed
- For other categories which are registered organisations (AOP/Trust/BOI/AJP, etc.) – the revised registration/deed/agreement.
- For Limited Liability Partnership – Registrar of LLPs certificate for name change
- Request for correction of date of birth (for individuals) and date of incorporation (non-individuals) will have to be supported with documents issued by competent authority containing the correct date.The address for communication in the ITD database will be updated with the address for communication mentioned in the application, even if change in address for communication is not requested in the application.
If the core data relating to the PAN (the applicant’s name, date of birth, father’s name (for individual), name and date of incorporation [for non-individual]) provided in the application substantially varies with the PAN data in the ITD database and the applicant has not requested for the change in the same with sufficient support documents, the applicant will be intimated of this variance. In such case the applicant will have to provide necessary support documents. If such data substantially matches with the ITD database the PAN card will be printed with the data in the ITD database with only the fields marked for change by the applicant.
- For married ladies – change of name on account of marriage – marriage certificate, marriage invitation card, publication of ‘name-change’ in gazette, copy of passport showing husband’s name (or vice versa).
- For individual applicants other than married ladies – publication of `name-change’ in gazette.
- For companies – ROC’s certificate for name change.
- For partnership firms – revised Partnership Deed
- For other categories which are registered organisations (AOP/Trust/BOI/AJP, etc.) – the revised registration/deed/agreement.
- For Limited Liability Partnership – Registrar of LLPs certificate for name change
Steps for Online Application for correction of PAN Data
Click Here for Online Application Form