Recommended Articles

  • Will GST be charged on actual tariff or declared tariff for accommodation services?

  • What will be GST rate if cost goes up (more than declared tariff) owing to additional bed.

  • Where will the declared tariff be published?

  • Same room may have different tariff at different times depending on season or flow of tourists as per dynamic pricing. Which rate to be used then?

  • If tariff changes between booking and actual usage, which rate will be used?

  • GST at what rate would be levied if an upgrade is provided to the customer at a lower rate?

  • Declared or published tariff is relevant only for determination of the tax rate slab. GST will be payable on the actual amount charged (transaction value).

  • GST rate would be determined according to declared tariff for the room, and GST at the rate so determined would be levied on the entire amount charged from the customer. For example, if the declared tariff is Rs. 7000 per unit per day but the amount charged from the customer on account of extra bed is Rs. 8000, GST shall be charged at 18% on Rs. 8000.

  • Tariff declared anywhere, say on the websites through which business is being procured or printed on tariff card or displayed at the reception will be the declared tariff. In case different tariff is declared at different places, highest of such declared tariffs shall be the declared tariff for the purpose of levy of GST.

  • In case different tariff is declared for different seasons or periods of the year, the tariff declared for the season in which the service of accommodation is provided shall apply.

  • Declared tariff at the time of supply would apply.

  • If declared tariff of the accommodation provided by way of upgrade is Rs 10000, but amount charged is Rs 7000, then GST would be levied @ 28% on Rs 7000/-

  • Relevant part of entry 34 of the said CGST notification reads as under:

  • “Heading 9996 (Recreational, cultural and sporting services) – …

  • (iii) Services by way of admission to entertainment events or access to amusement

  • facilities including exhibition of cinematograph films, theme parks, water parks, joy rides, merrygo rounds, go-carting, casinos, race-course, ballet, any sporting event such as Indian Premier League and the like. – 14%

  • (iv)…

  • (v) Gambling. – 14 %

  • As is evident from the notification, “entry to casinos” and “gambling” are two different services, and GST is leviable at 28% on both these services (14% CGST and 14% SGST) on the value determined as per section 15 of the CGST Act. Thus, GST @ 28% would apply on entry to casinos as well as on betting/ gambling services being provided by casinos on the transaction value of betting, i.e. the total bet value, in addition to GST levy on any other services being provided by the casinos (such as services by way of supply of food/ drinks etc. at the casinos). Betting, in pre-GST regime, was subjected to betting tax on full bet value.

  • Whether for the purpose of entries at Sl. Nos. 34(ii) [admission to cinema] and 7(ii)(vi)(viii) [Accommodation in hotels, inns, etc.], of notification 11/2017-CT (Rate) dated 28th June 2017, price/ declared tariff includes the tax component or not?

    1. Whether rent on rooms provided to inpatients is exempted? If liable to tax, please mention the entry of CGST Notification 11/2017-CT(Rate)
  • What will be the rate of tax for bakery items supplied where eating place is attached – manufacturer for the purpose of composition levy?

  • Price/ declared tariff does not include taxes.

  • Room rent in hospitals is exempt.

  • Any service by way of serving of food or drinks including by a bakery qualifies under section 10 (1) (b) of CGST Act and hence GST rate of composition levy for the same would be 5%.

  • Any service by way of serving of food or drinks including by a bakery qualifies under section 10 (1) (b) of CGST Act and hence GST rate of composition levy for the same would be 5%.

  • The books are printed/ published/ sold on procuring copyright from the author or his legal heir. [e.g. White Tiger Procures copyright from Ruskin Bond]

  • The books are printed/ published/ sold against a specific brand name. [e.g. Manorama Year Book]

  • The books are printed/ published/ sold on paying copyright fees to a foreign publisher for publishing Indian edition (same language) of foreign books. [e.g. Penguin (India) Ltd. pays fees to Routledge (London)] The books are printed/ published/ sold on paying copyright fees to a foreign publisher for publishing Indian language edition (translated). [e.g. Ananda Publishers Ltd. pays fees to Penguin (NY)]

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  • GST Definition, Objective

  • GST Forms

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  • GST Login

  • All About GST E Way Bill

  • GST Rates Changed on Certain Goods

  • GST Return Filing Due Date

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