CUCET 2021 will not be held this year. CUCET 2021 is cancelled due to the surge of a covid-19 pandemic. On 18th July, the commission posted its official statement on Twitter regarding the cancellation of the exam. CUCET (Central Universities Common Entrance Test) is a national level entrance test conducted once a year. This entrance exam is conducted by 11 Central Universities together for offering admission to their various programmes. CUCET provides entry to UG/Integrated, PG & Research courses. In this article, we are providing the details related to CUCET 2021.

Latest Update: CUCET 2021 has been cancelled for the academic session 2021-2022; the admissions will be made as per last year practice. The exam might be conducted for the 2022-2023 session.

UGC has already released a new academic calendar and guidelines for the 2021-2022 session. As per the guidelines, the admission process for UG and PG courses shall start from 30th September. The classes may commence from 1st October. Delhi University has announced its admission process for UG courses on a merit basis and PG course admission on the basis of DUET( Delhi University Entrance Exam). While other central universities have already started with the admission process and announced student admission on the basis of their own entrance test.

CUCET Application Form 2021

Candidates, after reading the information below can fill the CUCET application form for 2021.

  • Candidates can fill the application form through online mode only.At the time of filling the form, candidates have to select maximum three PUs (participating universities) with three courses in each PU.Before applying, candidates must keep ready their scanned images of photograph and signature (Size: 10KB to 50 KB) in the JPEG/JPG format.The application fee can be submitted through online and offline mode.Once the application form is submitted, candidates will receive email and SMS regarding successful submission of application form.

Application Fee

The category-wise application fee description of CUCET 2021 is given below:

Eligibility Criteria

Here, we are providing the complete eligibility criteria required to be eligible for CUCET 2021:


  • Nationality: Candidates must be an Indian citizen.Qualifying Exam: For integrated courses, candidates must pass the Intermediate or equivalent examination. For UG courses, candidates have to qualify the 10+2 examination. Those who want to apply for PG courses should have Bachelor’s degree. M.Phil/Ph.D Courses aspirants must possess master’s degree.

CUCET Application Dates 2021

In the below table, we are mentioning the CUCET 2021 dates. The official dates have still not been released now.

How to Apply

How to Fill CUCET 2021 Application Form

Candidates can follow the steps given below to fill the CUCET 2021 application form.

  • Visit the official link.Click on the “Apply” button of the course for which you want to apply.Now enter the registration details and click on “save & proceed”.Candidates have to enter their personal, qualifying exam, address and examination centre details in the application form.Now, click on ‘I Agree’ box & enter the verification code available therein. Then, Click on “Save & Proceed” button.Click on “Upload Images & Proceed” button.Now, select the University and courses for which candidate want to apply.After that, make requisite payment.Candidates are advised to print the filled-in application form for further use.