CS Executive OMR Based Examination Three Papers New Syllabus. ICSI Announced OMR Based Examination in Three Subjects of the CS Executive Programme (OLD SYLLABUS – 2012 AND NEW SYLLABUS – 2017). Recently We are Provided Check CS Students Exam Enrollment Status . Three Subjects are Covers in This Examination (i) Cost and Management Accounting ( Module-I), (ii) Tax Laws and Practice (Module-I), iii) Industrial, Labour and General Laws (Module-II) We are Providing All Details for CS Executive OMR Bases Examination so Now You can Scroll Down Below and check more details for “CS Executive OMR Based Examination Three Papers”
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CS Executive OMR Based Examination Three Papers New Syllabus
The Institute has been conducting OMR based Examination in the following three subjects of the CS Executive Programme (Old Syllabus – 2012) with effect from December, 2014 session of Examination:
Hitherto, the Institute has been conducting descriptive mode of examination for all subjects/papers of Executive Programme (New Syllabus – 2017). However, the Council of the Institute has decided to conduct OMR based examination for the following three subjects of the CS Executive Programme (New Syllabus – 2017) with effect from December, 2019 session of examination:
In the above subjects, candidates’ knowledge, competency and proficiency would be examined through objective type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) under OMR mode of examination. However, in the following remaining four subjects of Executive Programme, (Old Syllabus – 2012) and five subjects of Executive Programme (New Syllabus – 2017), candidates would continue to be examined through descriptive mode of examination:
In OMR based examination, each paper shall be of three hours duration having 100 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of one mark each. The questions shall be of average, above average and difficult level covering the entire syllabus. In case, the syllabus of any paper is divided into different Parts, i.e., Part – A, Part – B, etc., requisite number of questions shall be asked from the respective Part corresponding to the weightage of marks as prescribed in the syllabus.
Each question shall contain four answer options and the candidate shall be required to select one option as his/her correct answer and mark in the OMR answer sheet by darkening the respective circle with blue/black ball point pen.
Negative marks shall be applied for wrong answers attempted by the candidates in the ratio of 1: 4, i.e. deduction of one (1) mark for every four (4) wrong answers or proportion thereof, i.e., 0.25 mark for each wrong answer and total marks obtained by the candidates in such papers would be rounded up to next whole number. Further, the negative marks per paper would be limited to the extent of marks secured for correct answers so that no candidate shall secure less than zero mark in the above subjects.
Question paper booklets for the OMR based examination in respect of the following subjects/papers shall be provided in English language only :
However, candidates of Module II of Executive Programme (Old Syllabus – 2012) who opt for writing the examination in Hindi medium shall be provided question paper booklet of Industrial, Labour and General Laws (Module-II) paper in English along with its Hindi version. However, OMR Answer sheets for all the subjects would be provided in English language only.
- Previous sessions question papers of OMR based examination in the respect of the three subjects of Executive Programme (Old Syllabus) are available on the website of the Institute for the reference of the students. Detailed instructions for appearing in OMR based examination would be hosted on the website of the Institute as well as published in the Student Company Secretary e-journal and provided along with the e-Admit Card of the candidates.
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