It was an interesting line to hear from an arborist—but it was exactly why I called Leaf & Limb in the first place. Calling themselves “Treecologists,” the company, which is based in Raleigh, NC, has an explicit and very deep focus on ecology, climate, and sustainability. I had invited Basil Camu, the company’s Chief Vision Officer and “Wizard of Things," out to look at some woodland I own, with a view to helping with a small area that we’ll likely clear for gardens and fruit trees. As the quote above hints, Camu spent more time talking himself out of work, raving about the native species we found on our walk, and talking up the role of trees and forests in regulating our climate: 

This philosophy has shaped the broader business model of Leaf & Limb, which is now using the branches and offcuts from the mostly urban trees it looks after to generate biochar—that much-hyped climate solution—which the team then “charges” with nutrients, homebrewed compost teas, and other organic potions. This then goes directly back into feeding the trees and landscapes that the company works on. 

Here’s Camu using Leaf & Limb’s YouTube channel to educate the public on more natural tree-feeding regimes: 

The company’s tree-care philosophy is also reflected in its people-care philosophy too, having become the first tree service to be certified as a B Corporation, meaning it passes strict criteria for environmental practices (Camu showed up in an electric car), community relationships, and working conditions too. Here’s how Leaf & Limb describes their decision to become a B Corp:  

Having established that we probably weren’t going to work together this time, I did want to ask Camu if he had thoughts on the broader tree care industry—and what its priorities should be at a time when trees are needed more than they ever have been before.

Here’s what he emailed me: 

As part of that vision, Leaf & Limb has now started Project Pando—a volunteer-driven tree farm that will grow native species to give away, for free, to members of the public. 

Once successful, the plan is to make this model an open-source blueprint that can be replicated by anybody nearly anywhere for minimal costs. Thus, hopefully, opening the pipeline to being able to freely access the billions of trees we’ll need to reforest the planet and help overcome pressing environmental issues.

It’s all pretty cool. Even for a company that doesn’t want to work with me.